
的 College of Science 和 Technology at Temple provides two pathways to graduate studies through its integrated curriculum. 虽然这不是一个专业,学生谁跟随 Pre-Pharmacy track become eligible to apply for admission to the School of Pharmacy at Temple after two years. 如果你已经被药学院录取为直接录取学生, 你也可以选择 药学学士 加速程序, through which you’ll earn your bachelor’s degree 和 Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) degree in seven years. 如果你对进入医疗保健行业感兴趣,这两个选择都是理想的.

在药剂学预科课程, 你会选择混合生物学, 化学和数学课程,为你进入药学院做准备. 药学专业的学生有广阔的前景, 跨学科的科学基础——包括课堂和实验室. 你将学习生物学, 化学, 用数学和物理学来理解医疗保健领域的科学发现.


Deciding between the Pre-Pharmacy track 和 药学学士 depends on whether you have been admitted to the School of Pharmacy at Temple prior to 大一的时候.

  • Pre-Pharmacy track is tailored for students who wish to attend the School of Pharmacy 和 earn a PharmD degree but who have not yet applied or been admitted. Students interested in this track declare a major after one academic year 和 complete undergraduate coursework requirements in two years. 在此期间,学生向药学院申请. 如果承认, students move to the School of Pharmacy’s PharmD program after two years in the College of Science 和 Technology. Students in the Pre-Pharmacy track do not earn a bachelor’s degree 和 instead work toward the PharmD. 了解更多关于药学博士的先决条件和坦普尔药学院.
  • 药学学士 学位是为 已被药学院录取的新生. 因为这是一个加速项目, students complete an undergraduate degree in the College of Science 和 Technology in three years, 并在四年级时进入药学院. 接下来的三年在药学院攻读药学博士学位. Students in this program receive the 药学学士 degree 和 PharmD degree over seven years. 了解更多关于加速学位的信息.

类 & 课程

药学学士 students are required to complete 90 credit hours within the College of Science 和 Technology 和 College of Liberal 艺术. College of Science 和 Technology coursework is focused on the fundamentals of the sciences to help prepare them for graduate studies. 一些类包括

  • 生物学概论,
  • 有机化学 有机化学实验室,
  • 解剖学和生理学原理.


其中许多课程也适用于药学预科课程的学生, 但必须在进入药学院之前的两年内完成. 了解更多关于药剂学预科课程.




的 College of Science 和 Technology offers accelerated 3+4 degree programs in a seven-year course of study, 而不是通常的八年. 符合条件的本科学生可以获得中国科技学院的本科学位,并获得a

  • 科恩伯格牙科学院牙科医学博士;
  • 足病医学院足病医学博士;
  • 刘易斯·卡茨医学院的医学博士,或者
  • 药学院药学博士.


的 College of Science 和 Technology 后学士学位预科课程 is designed for students planning to apply to medical school or pursue other health-related professions. 该计划提供以下两个轨道.

  • 的 Basic Core in Health Sciences is intended for professionals who need the required science courses to apply to medical school.
  • 的 Advanced Core in Health Sciences is a program for current students who have met the premedical requirements 和 who seek advanced science coursework.

Both tracks include classes in the Lewis Katz School of Medicine 和 College of Science 和 Technology. 了解更多有关 College of Science 和 Technology’s 后学士学位预科课程.

学费 & 费用

为了与坦普尔大学对获取和负担得起的承诺保持一致, the Bachelor of Science offers a competitive level of tuition with multiple opportunities for financial support.

学费由大学每年设定,并受到多种因素的影响, 包括课程学位水平(本科或研究生), 课程负荷(全日制或非全日制), 居住在州内或州外, 和更多的. 你可以看到完整的 学生财务服务网站上的出勤费用明细.


宾夕法尼亚州居民: $23,112.00 /年
州外: $38,160.00 /年

学生俱乐部 & 组织
